Monday, January 4, 2010

The Shiney

Erm, I mean shining! By Stephen King.

Right, well, although King is one of the greatest Horror novelists of our times... this is not the high point of his work. i mean, sure, it's well written. It's King. But there just seems to lack the element of mystery that all good Horror novels need. To be scared by a novel, you need to know that horrible things are happening, but you can't know why. knowing why turns it from a novel into a textbook. and if experience has taught me anything, reading textbooks is not fun. There's no real mystery as to what's going on. Perhaps I'm a touch simple-minded when approaching this, but the dude goes insane because of deprivation. plain and simple. not to mention the fact that the very INSTANT that the words "I won't go insane" escape his lips, his fate is sealed. Dude's gonna go insane. No doubt bout it.

I suppose, all in all, it wasn't BAD objectively, but when you consider everything else King has written, this isn't exactly printed on platinum either.

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