Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A raisin in the sun

2.) What would you do if you received a check today for $118,400? (this is what $10,000 in 1945 is worth today) Do you think money buys happiness? Why or why not?

Now, this is hard to answer, seeing as how I'm just about the farthest thing from a poor black man with a baby on the way on the planet.

Not to mention I don't have a family to provide for, a job i might ration the money out to avoid, etcetc.
I would probably just spend the majority of it on frivolous things, various guitars, amps, cables, stompboxes, pedals, strings, wahwahs, and other things that can be expressed with jargon that is meaningless to the average observer. I would also put a bunch of it away into a vacation fund so that my family can go back to tropical islands during february break, england during he summer, etcetc. Additionally, I would put a lot of it into the bank to gain interest and then use it to study abroad in England. I've always loved England. My fatherland, L'angleterre... Okay, I'm getting a bit gushy, and a bit off topic, so... YEAH Anyways...

1.) Describe one of your personal dreams (i.e. your goals, aspirations). Why is this dream important? Are you likely to succeed? What obstacles could you face? What can you do to avoid failure? How do your dreams align with the dreams your parents have for you?

Okay, so one of my dreams is to become a successful musician. I mean, yeah, it's pretty cliche, "Oh yeah, you want to be a rock star? Yeah, you and thousands of other teenagers" But even if i'm not standing up on a huge stage, smashing my fifteenth guitar on our world renowned tour, before diving into my crowd of screaming fans and being carried all the way out, (Yeah, i have way too much time on my hands to think about these things.) i think I can make a little bit of success, even if it's just on the side of takig a regular job, i think since i took piano lessons as a child, and currently play guitar, and not to toot my own horn, but I have very good ears for what sounds right and what sounds wrong. the obvious obstacles are forming an actual band, getting other instrumentalists together, yadda yadda yadda... The only thing that can keep me from failure is persistence... MAN this blog entry is full of cliches... I'm like discount cliche warehouse over here! Alright, you know what. I've answered the question. I'm done.

PEACE! \y/

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